Ever since Uranus, one of the most dynamic of planets, moved into your sign in March of 2011, change - sudden and dramatic - has been the theme of your life. By the time Uranus is finished with you in about five years' time, you will be in radically different conditions and circumstances than you are now. All of you are feeling the changes, but those of you born early in the sign of Aries (March 20 to April 5) are feeling it the strongest. Part of this is not so pleasant. Sometimes we cling unconsciously to negative situations, relationships or mental patterns - we cling to a status quo that is actually destructive to us - and so Uranus has to take dramatic measures to release us from this bondage. Sometimes it is an earthquake, a tsunami, or some other natural disaster that does the trick. Sometimes other dramatic events happen. None of this is punishment, only liberation. With Uranus involved there is little we can do consciously to prevent the change; these things are not something you can plan for.
The events are generally sudden and unexpected - things you wouldn't dream of in a million years. With Uranus you can only expect the unexpected. But when the change happens, suddenly you are in a new life; suddenly you are free to follow the true desire of your heart. This is the blessing here.
The last two years were very challenging, filled with crises. Happily you got through; the worst is over with. Most of the long-term planets have moved from their stressful aspect to you, and there should be a tremendous increase in your health and energy in 2013.
Saturn moved into your 7th house in October of 2012 - a very nice transit for you as it moved away from its stressful position. This year you need to scrutinize your sexual activity more closely. There is a need to focus more on quality than quantity. Saturn knows how to do this.
Last year, on February 4, Neptune made a major move out of your 11th house and into your spiritual 12th house. The spiritual life is much more emphasized than usual and this will be a long term trend.
Your main areas of interest in the year ahead are the body, the image and personal pleasure; communication and intellectual interests (until June 27); home and family (from June 27 onwards); sex, death and rebirth, reincarnation, past life regression, occult studies and personal reinvention; career; spirituality.
Your paths of greatest fulfillment in the year ahead are communication and intellectual interests (until June 27); home and family (from June 27 onwards); sex, death and rebirth, reincarnation, past life regression, occult studies and personal reinvention.
The events are generally sudden and unexpected - things you wouldn't dream of in a million years. With Uranus you can only expect the unexpected. But when the change happens, suddenly you are in a new life; suddenly you are free to follow the true desire of your heart. This is the blessing here.
The last two years were very challenging, filled with crises. Happily you got through; the worst is over with. Most of the long-term planets have moved from their stressful aspect to you, and there should be a tremendous increase in your health and energy in 2013.
Saturn moved into your 7th house in October of 2012 - a very nice transit for you as it moved away from its stressful position. This year you need to scrutinize your sexual activity more closely. There is a need to focus more on quality than quantity. Saturn knows how to do this.
Last year, on February 4, Neptune made a major move out of your 11th house and into your spiritual 12th house. The spiritual life is much more emphasized than usual and this will be a long term trend.
Your main areas of interest in the year ahead are the body, the image and personal pleasure; communication and intellectual interests (until June 27); home and family (from June 27 onwards); sex, death and rebirth, reincarnation, past life regression, occult studies and personal reinvention; career; spirituality.
Your paths of greatest fulfillment in the year ahead are communication and intellectual interests (until June 27); home and family (from June 27 onwards); sex, death and rebirth, reincarnation, past life regression, occult studies and personal reinvention.

Last year, 2012, was basically a good year. The long-term planets were not stressing you out and were mostly friendly towards you. Health should have been good and overall energy was basically high. However, late in the year, in October, Saturn moved into Libra and into stressful alignment with you. Those of you born early in the sign of Taurus - from April 20 to May 5 - are feeling this most strongly. Those of you born later in the sign are feeling it now but will feel it more intensely in 2013. So, there is more resistance now. This stress is not enough to cause failure, but it does slow you down a bit. Your energy needs to be watched and there is more resistance to your goals.
Current marriages or serious kinds of relationships are getting a good testing; business partnerships too. In general there is less social activity in the year ahead.
Your social sphere, your friendships are getting spiritualized and more refined. You will be attracting more spiritual types into your life as a result. Taureans are basically traditional, conservative people, but not in spiritual matters now.
You are experimental arid scientific now. You are changing teachers, regimes and practices, probably multiple times. Those of you who have never been involved in spirituality will probably get involved this year or in coming years. Those of you already on the path will be changing that path. There is much ferment and upheaval in this area of life. There is also much upheaval in charitable or altruistic organizations that you are involved with.
Your most important areas of interest this year are finance (until June 27); communication and intellectual interests (from June 27 onwards); love and social activities; religion, philosophy, foreign travel and higher education; friends, groups, group activities, organizations; and spirituality.
Your paths of greatest fulfillment will be finance (until June 27); communication and intellectual interests (after June 27); love, romance and social activities.
Current marriages or serious kinds of relationships are getting a good testing; business partnerships too. In general there is less social activity in the year ahead.
Your social sphere, your friendships are getting spiritualized and more refined. You will be attracting more spiritual types into your life as a result. Taureans are basically traditional, conservative people, but not in spiritual matters now.
You are experimental arid scientific now. You are changing teachers, regimes and practices, probably multiple times. Those of you who have never been involved in spirituality will probably get involved this year or in coming years. Those of you already on the path will be changing that path. There is much ferment and upheaval in this area of life. There is also much upheaval in charitable or altruistic organizations that you are involved with.
Your most important areas of interest this year are finance (until June 27); communication and intellectual interests (from June 27 onwards); love and social activities; religion, philosophy, foreign travel and higher education; friends, groups, group activities, organizations; and spirituality.
Your paths of greatest fulfillment will be finance (until June 27); communication and intellectual interests (after June 27); love, romance and social activities.

You've had many years of sudden, dramatic changes. One minute things are a certain way and then, all of a sudden, life is completely different. Many have experienced these kinds of things, but for you it has been non-stop.
Nothing on this earthly plane is ever permanent and we need to learn how to handle impermanence.
Last year your finance and career was affected. But the year ahead is prosperous. You tend to be idealistic about your career anyway, but now even more so. You will be known more for your charitable activities, your spiritual attainments, than for your outer career achievements.
The transit of planets indicates a need to work harder and in a more disciplined kind of way. The job situation seems difficult to handle, and many of you have changed jobs. This also had an impact on your health and health regime.
Geminis of child-bearing age are more fertile this year. Weight in general needs more attention. However, love is blooming this year. It was good last year too, but this year it is perhaps even better.
Your most important interests in the year ahead are the body, image and personal pleasure (until June 27); finance (from June 27 onwards); health and work; sex, occult interests, personal reinvention, past lives, life after death; career; friends, groups, and group activities. You have many interests this year: be careful not to disperse your energies. Try to select the most important things and focus on them.
Your paths of greatest fulfillment this year are the body, image and personal pleasure (until June 27); finance (after June 27); health and work.
Nothing on this earthly plane is ever permanent and we need to learn how to handle impermanence.
Last year your finance and career was affected. But the year ahead is prosperous. You tend to be idealistic about your career anyway, but now even more so. You will be known more for your charitable activities, your spiritual attainments, than for your outer career achievements.
The transit of planets indicates a need to work harder and in a more disciplined kind of way. The job situation seems difficult to handle, and many of you have changed jobs. This also had an impact on your health and health regime.
Geminis of child-bearing age are more fertile this year. Weight in general needs more attention. However, love is blooming this year. It was good last year too, but this year it is perhaps even better.
Your most important interests in the year ahead are the body, image and personal pleasure (until June 27); finance (from June 27 onwards); health and work; sex, occult interests, personal reinvention, past lives, life after death; career; friends, groups, and group activities. You have many interests this year: be careful not to disperse your energies. Try to select the most important things and focus on them.
Your paths of greatest fulfillment this year are the body, image and personal pleasure (until June 27); finance (after June 27); health and work.

You have come through two very rough years; which have made you tougher and stronger; everything you got was earned by the sweat of your brow. 2011 was quite challenging but 2012 was also not smooth sailing. This year, you start to see the rewards of your efforts and hard work. It will seem to you that you have become lucky, but the truth is that you are merely harvesting the seeds planted in the past two years.
Because the obstructions that have been hindering you are taken away, you should see rapid progress to your goals in 2013. It will be a successful and prosperous year ahead. Expenses on luxuries, promotion etc is indicated.
Your most important interests this year are spirituality & religion until June 27 and relationship, children, creativity, career and foreign travel from June 27 onwards,
You may have high aspirations, but in order to achieve these aspirations, the spiritual and mental muscles needed to be developed. The reflexes had to be trained-hence the reason for the difficult period. However, you are advised to be careful in driving and take care of your vehicles and tax matters.
During the first half of the year your growth is spiritual and internal. At the start of the year, Jupiter will be in your 11 th House of gains; hence many powerful things are happening-secret things, sacred things. When Jupiter moves into your 12 th sign of spirituality on June 27, you will start to see this inner growth manifest itself tangibly.
Health was challenging in 2011 and 2012 as well. This year whole situation is different. Health will be good. If there have been problems you will hear good news about them.
There are dramatic job and career changes this year- which would be good. But since these things happen suddenly, there could be some stress involved. Ever since the movement of Uranus in 2011, your career has been unstable. There have been changes already and will be many more to come but now for the betterment.
Because the obstructions that have been hindering you are taken away, you should see rapid progress to your goals in 2013. It will be a successful and prosperous year ahead. Expenses on luxuries, promotion etc is indicated.
Your most important interests this year are spirituality & religion until June 27 and relationship, children, creativity, career and foreign travel from June 27 onwards,
You may have high aspirations, but in order to achieve these aspirations, the spiritual and mental muscles needed to be developed. The reflexes had to be trained-hence the reason for the difficult period. However, you are advised to be careful in driving and take care of your vehicles and tax matters.
During the first half of the year your growth is spiritual and internal. At the start of the year, Jupiter will be in your 11 th House of gains; hence many powerful things are happening-secret things, sacred things. When Jupiter moves into your 12 th sign of spirituality on June 27, you will start to see this inner growth manifest itself tangibly.
Health was challenging in 2011 and 2012 as well. This year whole situation is different. Health will be good. If there have been problems you will hear good news about them.
There are dramatic job and career changes this year- which would be good. But since these things happen suddenly, there could be some stress involved. Ever since the movement of Uranus in 2011, your career has been unstable. There have been changes already and will be many more to come but now for the betterment.

Most of 2012 was plain sailing. The long-term planets were either kind to you or leaving you alone. You had abundant energy, especially when compared to past years, and so overall success and the attainment of your goals was more likely. The transit of Saturn created more resistance to your will and goals, but not enough to thwart them. Saturn slowed you down a bit, but success should have still happened. This trend continues in the year ahead. Health is basically good,but needs a bit more watching this year.
The Jupiter's transit brought much career success to you in the form of honour, elevation, pay rises, promotions and recognition.. So the year ahead is a strong social year. You have met - and will meet -new and important friends.
Your social circle is very much expanded now. You are enjoying your friends and they you. This expansion of the social circle continues until June 27. Thus the latter half of the year ahead is a very strong spiritual year. Those of you already on a spiritual path will deepen your practice. There will be many spiritual breakthroughs during that period. This is a period of internal growth that will usher in a two-year prosperity cycle in 2014.
Your most important areas of interest this year are home and family; health and work; sex, personal reinvention, occult interests, death and rebirth, past lives; religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel; friends, groups and group activities (until June 27); spirituality (from June 27 onwards).
Your paths of greatest fulfillment are home and family; friends, groups and group activities (until June 27); spirituality (after June 27).
The Jupiter's transit brought much career success to you in the form of honour, elevation, pay rises, promotions and recognition.. So the year ahead is a strong social year. You have met - and will meet -new and important friends.
Your social circle is very much expanded now. You are enjoying your friends and they you. This expansion of the social circle continues until June 27. Thus the latter half of the year ahead is a very strong spiritual year. Those of you already on a spiritual path will deepen your practice. There will be many spiritual breakthroughs during that period. This is a period of internal growth that will usher in a two-year prosperity cycle in 2014.
Your most important areas of interest this year are home and family; health and work; sex, personal reinvention, occult interests, death and rebirth, past lives; religion, philosophy, higher education and foreign travel; friends, groups and group activities (until June 27); spirituality (from June 27 onwards).
Your paths of greatest fulfillment are home and family; friends, groups and group activities (until June 27); spirituality (after June 27).

As with Gemini, the past ten years have been all about dealing with change - sudden, dramatic, personal earthquake kind of change -- and learning to deal with the fear and insecurity that this brings. When something happens a couple of times we can chalk it up to coincidence. But when something keeps happening over and over, there is something behind it. You were like the major league ball player who had trouble hitting the curve ball. So, naturally, when the opposing team saw that, all the player ever got was curve balls. He had no option but to learn to hit the curve ball. Once he mastered the art, he didn't see too many more of them. Your curve ball was change and insecurity. Change kept coming and coming, until it ceased to ruffle you, until you actually became comfortable with it. Now that you are comfortable with it, the activity abates. You won't have to deal with this kind of phenomenon for another 20 years or so.
Things began to stabilize for you in 2011 as Uranus left its stressful aspect to you; 2011 was easier than 2010, and 2012 was easier than 2011. This year is slightly challenging, but a piece of cake compared to 2008-2010. Everything is relative.
In June 2012 Jupiter crossed your Mid-heaven which initiated a period of great career success and achievement. The career horizons broadened and expanded and very happy opportunities came to you. And this trend continues for the first half of 2013.
The love life has been highly unstable. Many a divorce or break up took place from 2003 to 2010. Things are much calmer now and relationships have a much better chance of enduring now and in the coming years. In March 2011 Neptune made a major move and the whole love life is becoming more refined, elevated and spiritualized.
You will feel an immediate increase in earning power. Finances are lot easier this year than last.
Your areas of greatest interest this year are communication and intellectual interests; children, creativity and leisure activities; love and romance; sex, occult interests, personal reinvention and transformation, past lives and reincarnation; career (until June 27); friends, groups and group activities (from June 27 onwards).
Your paths of greatest fulfillment in the year ahead are communication and intellectual interests; career (until June 27); friends, groups and group activities (from June 27).
Things began to stabilize for you in 2011 as Uranus left its stressful aspect to you; 2011 was easier than 2010, and 2012 was easier than 2011. This year is slightly challenging, but a piece of cake compared to 2008-2010. Everything is relative.
In June 2012 Jupiter crossed your Mid-heaven which initiated a period of great career success and achievement. The career horizons broadened and expanded and very happy opportunities came to you. And this trend continues for the first half of 2013.
The love life has been highly unstable. Many a divorce or break up took place from 2003 to 2010. Things are much calmer now and relationships have a much better chance of enduring now and in the coming years. In March 2011 Neptune made a major move and the whole love life is becoming more refined, elevated and spiritualized.
You will feel an immediate increase in earning power. Finances are lot easier this year than last.
Your areas of greatest interest this year are communication and intellectual interests; children, creativity and leisure activities; love and romance; sex, occult interests, personal reinvention and transformation, past lives and reincarnation; career (until June 27); friends, groups and group activities (from June 27 onwards).
Your paths of greatest fulfillment in the year ahead are communication and intellectual interests; career (until June 27); friends, groups and group activities (from June 27).

The raw.ore probably doesn't enjoy the smelting process too much. The heat is beyond all endurance. Yet, the final product is a pure metal. Everyone with high aspirations goes through
crucible-type years, and the higher the aspiration, the more intense the crucible will be. The past two years were like that. Perhaps you thought that you were being pushed over the limit, but this was not the case. The Higher Power and his agents, the planetary forces, are intelligent. Every ordeal is carefully measured. Just enough heat is applied to do the job and not an iota more. These ordeals were not punishments as you may have thought, nor bad luck. These were actually the answers to prayer. You wanted certain high things and in order to have them in a proper way these testings were necessary. Certain psychological impurities had to be melted away. Only the crucible experience can bring this about. You see this now, but at the time it wasn't that apparent.
Happily you got through the worst of it. 2011 was the most difficult part; 2012 less so. There are still challenges in 2013, but nothing like you've already been through.
Existing relationships were severely tested and many did not make it. Love is highly unstable. The whole social sphere is being dramatically changed.
You need to be focused more on health these days. But also it shows that you are exploring the abundant spiritual resources of health and energy. You are being shown how to tap into them and solve many problems.
There are indications of foreign travel and a good and successful period for college or postgraduate students. Later on in the year in June, the career is going to blossom this year for each according to their stage in life.
Your most important areas of interest this year are finance; home and family; health and work; love and romance; religion, metaphysics, higher learning and foreign travel (until June 27); career (from June 27 onwards).
Your paths of greatest fulfillment in the year ahead are finance; religion, metaphysics, higher learning and foreign travel (until June 27); career (from June 27 onwards).
crucible-type years, and the higher the aspiration, the more intense the crucible will be. The past two years were like that. Perhaps you thought that you were being pushed over the limit, but this was not the case. The Higher Power and his agents, the planetary forces, are intelligent. Every ordeal is carefully measured. Just enough heat is applied to do the job and not an iota more. These ordeals were not punishments as you may have thought, nor bad luck. These were actually the answers to prayer. You wanted certain high things and in order to have them in a proper way these testings were necessary. Certain psychological impurities had to be melted away. Only the crucible experience can bring this about. You see this now, but at the time it wasn't that apparent.
Happily you got through the worst of it. 2011 was the most difficult part; 2012 less so. There are still challenges in 2013, but nothing like you've already been through.
Existing relationships were severely tested and many did not make it. Love is highly unstable. The whole social sphere is being dramatically changed.
You need to be focused more on health these days. But also it shows that you are exploring the abundant spiritual resources of health and energy. You are being shown how to tap into them and solve many problems.
There are indications of foreign travel and a good and successful period for college or postgraduate students. Later on in the year in June, the career is going to blossom this year for each according to their stage in life.
Your most important areas of interest this year are finance; home and family; health and work; love and romance; religion, metaphysics, higher learning and foreign travel (until June 27); career (from June 27 onwards).
Your paths of greatest fulfillment in the year ahead are finance; religion, metaphysics, higher learning and foreign travel (until June 27); career (from June 27 onwards).

The raw.ore probably doesn't enjoy the smelting process too much. The heat is beyond all endurance. Yet, the final product is a pure metal. Everyone with high aspirations goes through
crucible-type years, and the higher the aspiration, the more intense the crucible will be. The past two years were like that. Perhaps you thought that you were being pushed over the limit, but this was not the case. The Higher Power and his agents, the planetary forces, are intelligent. Every ordeal is carefully measured. Just enough heat is applied to do the job and not an iota more. These ordeals were not punishments as you may have thought, nor bad luck. These were actually the answers to prayer. You wanted certain high things and in order to have them in a proper way these testings were necessary. Certain psychological impurities had to be melted away. Only the crucible experience can bring this about. You see this now, but at the time it wasn't that apparent.
Happily you got through the worst of it. 2011 was the most difficult part; 2012 less so. There are still challenges in 2013, but nothing like you've already been through.
Existing relationships were severely tested and many did not make it. Love is highly unstable. The whole social sphere is being dramatically changed.
You need to be focused more on health these days. But also it shows that you are exploring the abundant spiritual resources of health and energy. You are being shown how to tap into them and solve many problems.
There are indications of foreign travel and a good and successful period for college or postgraduate students. Later on in the year in June, the career is going to blossom this year for each according to their stage in life.
Your most important areas of interest this year are finance; home and family; health and work; love and romance; religion, metaphysics, higher learning and foreign travel (until June 27); career (from June 27 onwards).
Your paths of greatest fulfillment in the year ahead are finance; religion, metaphysics, higher learning and foreign travel (until June 27); career (from June 27 onwards).
crucible-type years, and the higher the aspiration, the more intense the crucible will be. The past two years were like that. Perhaps you thought that you were being pushed over the limit, but this was not the case. The Higher Power and his agents, the planetary forces, are intelligent. Every ordeal is carefully measured. Just enough heat is applied to do the job and not an iota more. These ordeals were not punishments as you may have thought, nor bad luck. These were actually the answers to prayer. You wanted certain high things and in order to have them in a proper way these testings were necessary. Certain psychological impurities had to be melted away. Only the crucible experience can bring this about. You see this now, but at the time it wasn't that apparent.
Happily you got through the worst of it. 2011 was the most difficult part; 2012 less so. There are still challenges in 2013, but nothing like you've already been through.
Existing relationships were severely tested and many did not make it. Love is highly unstable. The whole social sphere is being dramatically changed.
You need to be focused more on health these days. But also it shows that you are exploring the abundant spiritual resources of health and energy. You are being shown how to tap into them and solve many problems.
There are indications of foreign travel and a good and successful period for college or postgraduate students. Later on in the year in June, the career is going to blossom this year for each according to their stage in life.
Your most important areas of interest this year are finance; home and family; health and work; love and romance; religion, metaphysics, higher learning and foreign travel (until June 27); career (from June 27 onwards).
Your paths of greatest fulfillment in the year ahead are finance; religion, metaphysics, higher learning and foreign travel (until June 27); career (from June 27 onwards).

After eight or so years of intense stress, of challenge, disruptions, psychological earthquakes and insecurity, 2011 and 2012 were like a picnic in the park. It's as if you had paid your dues to life and now you are an accepted member. No need any more to deal with the previous challenges. Many of the other signs - Cancer, Libra, Capricorn - had the opposite phenomenon. They are facing what you have already faced. Previously they were coasting and you were struggling. Now it's the other way round. Because you have gone through many, many tests, you are now in a position to help others go through them.
The cosmos was not punishing you. It was actually making you ready for real love (which happens this year) and for the role you are to play in life. The Olympic athlete probably doesn't enjoy the grueling - and often painful - training schedule. It is only when it is time to compete that he or she recognizes the value of it. Many of you were pushed to the edge, but happily you were not pushed over it.
Love is the main headline this year. This not only brings romance, and possibly marriage, but an expansion of the whole social life, the whole social sphere.
Health is much, much improved since 2011. You have your normal vim, vigour and vitality. With more energy at your disposal, more possibilities open to you. Hitherto impossible things are now eminently doable. This spells success in the year ahead.
Pluto - the cosmic detoxer - has been in your money house for some years now and will be there in the year ahead. So there is a need to purify the financial life, eliminate waste and inefficiencies and, most importantly, negative financial attitudes.
You have many areas of interest this year - Sagittarius heaven. On the one hand, this is good as you get bored very easily. You need to have many projects in progress, so when you get bored with one you can go to another. However, the danger (as always) is dispersing your energy in too many directions. Success requires focus.
Your main areas of interest this year are finance; home and family; children, creativity and leisure activities; love and romance (until June 27); sex, personal transformation and reinvention, occult interests, death and rebirth, life after death (from June 27 onwards); spirituality.
Your paths of greatest fulfillment this year are love and romance (until June 27); sex, personal transformation and reinvention, occult interests, death and rebirth, life after death (after June 27); and spirituality.
The cosmos was not punishing you. It was actually making you ready for real love (which happens this year) and for the role you are to play in life. The Olympic athlete probably doesn't enjoy the grueling - and often painful - training schedule. It is only when it is time to compete that he or she recognizes the value of it. Many of you were pushed to the edge, but happily you were not pushed over it.
Love is the main headline this year. This not only brings romance, and possibly marriage, but an expansion of the whole social life, the whole social sphere.
Health is much, much improved since 2011. You have your normal vim, vigour and vitality. With more energy at your disposal, more possibilities open to you. Hitherto impossible things are now eminently doable. This spells success in the year ahead.
Pluto - the cosmic detoxer - has been in your money house for some years now and will be there in the year ahead. So there is a need to purify the financial life, eliminate waste and inefficiencies and, most importantly, negative financial attitudes.
You have many areas of interest this year - Sagittarius heaven. On the one hand, this is good as you get bored very easily. You need to have many projects in progress, so when you get bored with one you can go to another. However, the danger (as always) is dispersing your energy in too many directions. Success requires focus.
Your main areas of interest this year are finance; home and family; children, creativity and leisure activities; love and romance (until June 27); sex, personal transformation and reinvention, occult interests, death and rebirth, life after death (from June 27 onwards); spirituality.
Your paths of greatest fulfillment this year are love and romance (until June 27); sex, personal transformation and reinvention, occult interests, death and rebirth, life after death (after June 27); and spirituality.

You have just come through a very rough two years. Three powerful long-term planets were arrayed against you and there were times when 60 per cent (and sometimes 70 per cent) of the planets were in stressful alignment. Your mettle was tested. You were pushed to the limit. Not everyone came through this, but if you're reading this you did. Give yourself a pat on the back. This was an achievement.
Much of the stress came from instability within the family. There were many dramatic events in the lives of family members. The family unit could have broken up, or come near breaking up; even now it is held together with 'string and chewing gum' - very tenuous and delicate bonds.
Much stress came, curiously, from your success. In many cases, Capricorn, you were at the pinnacle of achievement, so you stood out like a target. The person on top is always the natural target. You had to deal with a lot of flak from underlings and competitors. Being on top is not all that it's made out to be. Not being on top has its challenges, but being on top has perhaps greater challenges. Every decision was scrutinized and criticized. In many cases, you were on top, but you aspired to be and this created tensions. You had to be reminded, sometimes dramatically, of your true status. Health could have suffered these past two years. Happily, this area is much improved. If you have had health problems you should be hearing good news about it.
You are in process of reinventing yourself, giving birth to the 'you' that you really want to be. This trend is continuing this year and for many more years.
Your most important interests in the year ahead are the body, the image and personal pleasure; communication and intellectual interests; home and family; health and work (until June 27); love and romance (from June 27 onwards); friends, groups, group activities and organizations.
Your paths of greatest fulfillment this year are health and work (until June 27); love and romance (after June 27); and friends, groups, group activities and organizations.
Much of the stress came from instability within the family. There were many dramatic events in the lives of family members. The family unit could have broken up, or come near breaking up; even now it is held together with 'string and chewing gum' - very tenuous and delicate bonds.
Much stress came, curiously, from your success. In many cases, Capricorn, you were at the pinnacle of achievement, so you stood out like a target. The person on top is always the natural target. You had to deal with a lot of flak from underlings and competitors. Being on top is not all that it's made out to be. Not being on top has its challenges, but being on top has perhaps greater challenges. Every decision was scrutinized and criticized. In many cases, you were on top, but you aspired to be and this created tensions. You had to be reminded, sometimes dramatically, of your true status. Health could have suffered these past two years. Happily, this area is much improved. If you have had health problems you should be hearing good news about it.
You are in process of reinventing yourself, giving birth to the 'you' that you really want to be. This trend is continuing this year and for many more years.
Your most important interests in the year ahead are the body, the image and personal pleasure; communication and intellectual interests; home and family; health and work (until June 27); love and romance (from June 27 onwards); friends, groups, group activities and organizations.
Your paths of greatest fulfillment this year are health and work (until June 27); love and romance (after June 27); and friends, groups, group activities and organizations.

Last year was basically a good year - not perfect by any means, but more easy than difficult. The long-term planets were mostly leaving you alone or were in harmonious aspect to you. Health and energy were basically good and this should have translated to the achievement of your goals. The transit of Saturn might slow you down, but he won't stop you.
A cosmic detox is taking place in your spiritual life, in your attitudes and practice. You are going deeper into the spiritual dimensions of wealth, tapping into the supernatural sources of supply and learning how spirit works to produce material wealth. This trend continues this year and for many more years.
Always a great communicator and networker, now these skills are even further enhanced. You tend to be experimental in most things but these days it is happening in communication. Your originality here, in your writing, speech and online activities, is very much enhanced these days.
You are exploring the 'joy of life' and getting involved in fun kinds of activities. Aquarians of child-bearing age are unusually fertile these days.
The Jupiter's transit is wonderful for job seekers or those who employ others. Dream job opportunities are coming. And for those who employ others there is an abundance of good help available. Success comes through sheer merit and for no other reason.
Your most important areas of interest this year will be finance; communication and intellectual interests; fun, children and personal creativity (until June 27); health and work (from June 27 onwards); career; spirituality.
Your paths of greatest fulfillment this year will be career; fun, children and creativity (until June 27); and health and work (from June 27).
A cosmic detox is taking place in your spiritual life, in your attitudes and practice. You are going deeper into the spiritual dimensions of wealth, tapping into the supernatural sources of supply and learning how spirit works to produce material wealth. This trend continues this year and for many more years.
Always a great communicator and networker, now these skills are even further enhanced. You tend to be experimental in most things but these days it is happening in communication. Your originality here, in your writing, speech and online activities, is very much enhanced these days.
You are exploring the 'joy of life' and getting involved in fun kinds of activities. Aquarians of child-bearing age are unusually fertile these days.
The Jupiter's transit is wonderful for job seekers or those who employ others. Dream job opportunities are coming. And for those who employ others there is an abundance of good help available. Success comes through sheer merit and for no other reason.
Your most important areas of interest this year will be finance; communication and intellectual interests; fun, children and personal creativity (until June 27); health and work (from June 27 onwards); career; spirituality.
Your paths of greatest fulfillment this year will be career; fun, children and creativity (until June 27); and health and work (from June 27).

There are many important and positive changes that have been happening the past few years. This adds much glamour to the image - an unearthly kind of beauty. It gives more confidence and self-esteem as well. Your whole body is being elevated in energy vibration.
There are moves, renovations and an enlargement of the family circle going on, which all seem very happy. A happy, fun kind of period - a cosmic vacation. You start to experience the joy of life.-This brings luck in speculations too. Pisces of child-bearing age are more fertile than usual during that period.
For students, especially at college or postgraduates, this is a difficult period. They need to work much harder on their studies than usual. They are not catching any 'lucky breaks' and only sheer merit will get them through. For non-students it shows a testing of the belief systems, a reorganization of the higher mind. Generally this brings 'crises of faith'.
Your areas of greatest interest this year are the body and image; finance; home and family (until June 27); children, fun, creativity (from June 27 onwards); religion, philosophy, metaphysics, foreign travel; friends, groups and group activities.
Your paths of greatest fulfillment this year are home and family (until June 27); fun, children and creativity (after June 27); and religion, philosophy, metaphysics and foreign travel.
There are moves, renovations and an enlargement of the family circle going on, which all seem very happy. A happy, fun kind of period - a cosmic vacation. You start to experience the joy of life.-This brings luck in speculations too. Pisces of child-bearing age are more fertile than usual during that period.
For students, especially at college or postgraduates, this is a difficult period. They need to work much harder on their studies than usual. They are not catching any 'lucky breaks' and only sheer merit will get them through. For non-students it shows a testing of the belief systems, a reorganization of the higher mind. Generally this brings 'crises of faith'.
Your areas of greatest interest this year are the body and image; finance; home and family (until June 27); children, fun, creativity (from June 27 onwards); religion, philosophy, metaphysics, foreign travel; friends, groups and group activities.
Your paths of greatest fulfillment this year are home and family (until June 27); fun, children and creativity (after June 27); and religion, philosophy, metaphysics and foreign travel.
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