After eight or so years of intense stress, of challenge, disruptions, psychological earthquakes and insecurity, 2011 and 2012 were like a picnic in the park. It's as if you had paid your dues to life and now you are an accepted member. No need any more to deal with the previous challenges. Many of the other signs - Cancer, Libra, Capricorn - had the opposite phenomenon. They are facing what you have already faced. Previously they were coasting and you were struggling. Now it's the other way round. Because you have gone through many, many tests, you are now in a position to help others go through them.
The cosmos was not punishing you. It was actually making you ready for real love (which happens this year) and for the role you are to play in life. The Olympic athlete probably doesn't enjoy the grueling - and often painful - training schedule. It is only when it is time to compete that he or she recognizes the value of it. Many of you were pushed to the edge, but happily you were not pushed over it.
Love is the main headline this year. This not only brings romance, and possibly marriage, but an expansion of the whole social life, the whole social sphere.
Health is much, much improved since 2011. You have your normal vim, vigour and vitality. With more energy at your disposal, more possibilities open to you. Hitherto impossible things are now eminently doable. This spells success in the year ahead.
Pluto - the cosmic detoxer - has been in your money house for some years now and will be there in the year ahead. So there is a need to purify the financial life, eliminate waste and inefficiencies and, most importantly, negative financial attitudes.
You have many areas of interest this year - Sagittarius heaven. On the one hand, this is good as you get bored very easily. You need to have many projects in progress, so when you get bored with one you can go to another. However, the danger (as always) is dispersing your energy in too many directions. Success requires focus.
Your main areas of interest this year are finance; home and family; children, creativity and leisure activities; love and romance (until June 27); sex, personal transformation and reinvention, occult interests, death and rebirth, life after death (from June 27 onwards); spirituality.
Your paths of greatest fulfillment this year are love and romance (until June 27); sex, personal transformation and reinvention, occult interests, death and rebirth, life after death (after June 27); and spirituality.
The cosmos was not punishing you. It was actually making you ready for real love (which happens this year) and for the role you are to play in life. The Olympic athlete probably doesn't enjoy the grueling - and often painful - training schedule. It is only when it is time to compete that he or she recognizes the value of it. Many of you were pushed to the edge, but happily you were not pushed over it.
Love is the main headline this year. This not only brings romance, and possibly marriage, but an expansion of the whole social life, the whole social sphere.
Health is much, much improved since 2011. You have your normal vim, vigour and vitality. With more energy at your disposal, more possibilities open to you. Hitherto impossible things are now eminently doable. This spells success in the year ahead.
Pluto - the cosmic detoxer - has been in your money house for some years now and will be there in the year ahead. So there is a need to purify the financial life, eliminate waste and inefficiencies and, most importantly, negative financial attitudes.
You have many areas of interest this year - Sagittarius heaven. On the one hand, this is good as you get bored very easily. You need to have many projects in progress, so when you get bored with one you can go to another. However, the danger (as always) is dispersing your energy in too many directions. Success requires focus.
Your main areas of interest this year are finance; home and family; children, creativity and leisure activities; love and romance (until June 27); sex, personal transformation and reinvention, occult interests, death and rebirth, life after death (from June 27 onwards); spirituality.
Your paths of greatest fulfillment this year are love and romance (until June 27); sex, personal transformation and reinvention, occult interests, death and rebirth, life after death (after June 27); and spirituality.
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