As with Gemini, the past ten years have been all about dealing with change - sudden, dramatic, personal earthquake kind of change -- and learning to deal with the fear and insecurity that this brings. When something happens a couple of times we can chalk it up to coincidence. But when something keeps happening over and over, there is something behind it. You were like the major league ball player who had trouble hitting the curve ball. So, naturally, when the opposing team saw that, all the player ever got was curve balls. He had no option but to learn to hit the curve ball. Once he mastered the art, he didn't see too many more of them. Your curve ball was change and insecurity. Change kept coming and coming, until it ceased to ruffle you, until you actually became comfortable with it. Now that you are comfortable with it, the activity abates. You won't have to deal with this kind of phenomenon for another 20 years or so.
Things began to stabilize for you in 2011 as Uranus left its stressful aspect to you; 2011 was easier than 2010, and 2012 was easier than 2011. This year is slightly challenging, but a piece of cake compared to 2008-2010. Everything is relative.
In June 2012 Jupiter crossed your Mid-heaven which initiated a period of great career success and achievement. The career horizons broadened and expanded and very happy opportunities came to you. And this trend continues for the first half of 2013.
The love life has been highly unstable. Many a divorce or break up took place from 2003 to 2010. Things are much calmer now and relationships have a much better chance of enduring now and in the coming years. In March 2011 Neptune made a major move and the whole love life is becoming more refined, elevated and spiritualized.
You will feel an immediate increase in earning power. Finances are lot easier this year than last.
Your areas of greatest interest this year are communication and intellectual interests; children, creativity and leisure activities; love and romance; sex, occult interests, personal reinvention and transformation, past lives and reincarnation; career (until June 27); friends, groups and group activities (from June 27 onwards).
Your paths of greatest fulfillment in the year ahead are communication and intellectual interests; career (until June 27); friends, groups and group activities (from June 27).
Things began to stabilize for you in 2011 as Uranus left its stressful aspect to you; 2011 was easier than 2010, and 2012 was easier than 2011. This year is slightly challenging, but a piece of cake compared to 2008-2010. Everything is relative.
In June 2012 Jupiter crossed your Mid-heaven which initiated a period of great career success and achievement. The career horizons broadened and expanded and very happy opportunities came to you. And this trend continues for the first half of 2013.
The love life has been highly unstable. Many a divorce or break up took place from 2003 to 2010. Things are much calmer now and relationships have a much better chance of enduring now and in the coming years. In March 2011 Neptune made a major move and the whole love life is becoming more refined, elevated and spiritualized.
You will feel an immediate increase in earning power. Finances are lot easier this year than last.
Your areas of greatest interest this year are communication and intellectual interests; children, creativity and leisure activities; love and romance; sex, occult interests, personal reinvention and transformation, past lives and reincarnation; career (until June 27); friends, groups and group activities (from June 27 onwards).
Your paths of greatest fulfillment in the year ahead are communication and intellectual interests; career (until June 27); friends, groups and group activities (from June 27).
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